Spectrum is a non-linear, visual narrative installation that uses light, reflection and colour. Media used include etched mirrors, acrylic with dichroic film and carved panels. Simple and novel materials are arranged in a pattern, where each piece plays an important role in achieving a larger effect – similar to the aim and structure of a co-operative. The backlit images show diversity, reflecting everyday life in Vancouver and this commu- nity while recognizing the enduring influence of nature. These are the shared values that Vancity and its members hold. The mirrors function in two ways: they display images and also reflect the space and the people of this community, as they catch a glimpse of themselves in the artwork. Colour is introduced with ambient and direct lighting, allow- ing the prismatic reflections and shadows from the dichroic film to be ‘painted’ on the wall. This references the promising optimism of the international co-operative movement, whose original flag is a seven colour rainbow – the rainbow symbolizing unity in diversity. There is no fixed way to read the images. Viewers are encouraged to read their own story. This also allows room for the meanings of the visuals and overall narrative to evolve and be re-interpreted over time.